Friday, November 14, 2014

Imperial Armour 13: Tactica Segment- Heretics 1850

I finally wanted to test out a list and see how it did on the tabletop, and I was lucky enough to get two games in! Here is my list, my thoughts, and the results of the two games thus far.

 Renegade Command Squad
-Heretek Magus
-Covenant of Nurgle
-10+ disciples
-Carapace Armor

Renegade Infantry Squad x3
Autocannon Heavy Weapon Teams x3
-Feel No Pain (FNP)

Renegade Mutant Rabble
-10+ mutants

Plague Zombies
-+20 zombies

Renegade Veterans
-+5 veterans
-Carapace Armor
-meltaguns x2

Heavy Support:
2x Wyvern
-heavy flamers
2x Griffon
-heavy flamers

3x Leman Russa
-heavy flamers

Lord of War:
Renegade Baneblade

Void Shield Generator (3 shields)

This list was designed to focus around tough troops, everything within 12" of the baneblade gets zealot, most of the blob squads have feel no pain (FNP), and the zombies automatically come with a 4+ FNP! What's not to love about those units! The baneblade has the intimidation factor but does lack  reliability, especially when most of the army is at BS 2. 

I bubble wrap the baneblade with mutants and infantry squads. I put the disciples and the warlord in the battlements holding the void shield generator, always making sure that my soft vehicles are within 12" of those lovely shields. The heavy hitters are also the softest, the squadron of wyverns and griffons. They performed far and above what could be expected. Given the barrage rules I always recommend starting off with the smaller template, since all other barrages flip off of where the original lands. 

We all know wyvern are reliable, and the same can definitely be said for griffons in any Renegade/Heretic list! The lack of flyers was intentional, as flyers don't tend to make a huge impact in the local meta in Spokane, Washington. Being at a handfull of GT's now, they don't seem to turn the tide, and unless you are taking CSM allies, the Valkyrie is woefully inadequate for the points cost. 

I played Maelstrom mission 3 in both games, and played this list. My first opponent was an 1850 Dark Eldar list, utilizing Forgeworld Reapers, vypers, and of course raiders. Night fighting turn one allowed him to get a 3+ jink against my shots and it was incredibly lopsided, but enlightening as to the inadequacy of the normal baneblade.

As mentioned previously, baleful abberation, gives units within 12" zealot, essentially making them fearless and therefore shoring up the low leadership of the army due to "uncertain worth" (d6+ 4 for a units leadership). 

The second game was much closer with an ultimate score of 9-8, a very close game. Again maelstrom mission 3; however the amount of models on the table clearly showed in my favor. In my second game the astra militarum player only had 3 wyvern, and two vendettas hovering on the board, if it went to turn 6 it would probably have been a rout. A good hard fought game, and my opponent was an incredibly good sport considering he had never dealt with a void shield generator. Clearly brought as insurance for the baneblade, it helped protect the wyvern and griffon. Definitely a must take for a fortification, and for the point cost worth it.

This particular build, while formidable lacks mobility...which clearly showed in the hammer and anvil deployment. While I'm building my iron warriors force I'll continue to experiment with lists. This is clearly a balanced list, and despite the BS 2 across the army, was still able to throw plenty of shots down range and nearly table a competitive astra militarum army. The plague zombies did what they were meant to do, hold an objective, which they did to the last two men (way to go guys!).

In my next tactica segment, I'll be looking at taking a squadron of blood slaughterers and see how they perform. Until next time!

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